Copyright Statement

Copyright Statement


1.All content on this website, including but not limited to text, images, audio, video, software, and code, is protected by copyright law and other relevant laws. All rights are owned by our company or the respective rights holders.
2.Without the written permission of our company, no one may reproduce, modify, distribute, transmit, display, perform, publish, or use the content of this website for commercial purposes in any form or by any means.
3.Our company reserves the right to pursue legal action against any unauthorized use of the content on this website.
4.If you believe that the content on this website infringes your copyright, please contact us promptly, and we will address the issue swiftly.

1. 本網站所載的所有內容,包括但不限於文字、圖像、音頻、視頻、軟體及程式碼,均受著作權法及其他相關法律的保護,所有權利均由本公司或相關權利人所有。

2. 未經本公司書面許可,任何人不得以任何形式或手段對本網站內容進行複製、修改、散佈、傳播、展示、演示、出版或用於商業用途。

3. 本公司保留對任何未經授權使用本網站內容的行為追究法律責任的權利。

4. 若您認為本網站的內容侵犯了您的著作權,請及時與我們聯繫,我們將迅速處理